Holger Schneidewindt


Holger Schneidewindt is an energy lawyer and policy advisor. He has a decade of experience in energy policy with particular interest and expertise in prosumer subjects, especially related to alternative and renewable energies. As consultant for a German energy consumer NGO, he worked on the “Birth and Rise of Prosumers” along Germany´s pioneering energy transition.

Holger is regularly authoring papers and articles on prosumer related subjects in energy law and policy journals. He is also a long-time author for the energy policy blog “Phasenpruefer”. Holger is also speaking regularly at conferences, the most recent being the World Renewable Energy Conferences in Jakarta and Perth.

Holger holds the First State Examination in Law from the University of Münster and the Second State Examination in Law. He holds a degree in “European Environment Law” from the University of Koblenz and a degree in “European Law” from the University of Barcelona. He is a qualified “Project Manager for Alternative and Renewable Energies”.

Holger´s passion is in advocating a sustainable and fair energy transition. He is fascinated by the growing diversity of players and instruments on the fast-evolving energy market. He is convinced that prosumers and their “portfolio” will play a key role in it.