The prosumers’ portfolio of generation, storage, consumption capabilities & flexibilities is key to the successful energy transition & climate change mitigation.
The prosumers’ portfolio of generation, storage, consumption capabilities & flexibilities is key to the energy transition & climate change mitigation.
Consumers turn from extras paying the same price for one kWh 365 days a year to “Active Consumers” monetizing their consumption flexibility through dynamic and time-of-use tariffs or Demand Response-schemes. Investing in distributed energy resources (DERs), the flexibility potential from…

Holger Schneidewindt13 October 2020
Key findings The Bulgarian regulatory framework provides adequate remuneration and incentives for the promotion of RES through active customers. However, the administrative hurdles are a show stopper to the rise of prosumers. The implementation of the Clean Energy Package could…

Slav Stankov7 October 2020
Rooftop solar is booming globally. From standalone PV to grid-tied generation facilities—the transformation has largely been facilitated by technological breakthroughs, supportive policies, and incentivized regulatory frameworks. The concept of on-grid citizen energy generation is however a very recent phenomenon in…

Naila Saleh14 September 2020
How to unleash the potential of prosumer assets for peak-shaving? Voluntary or mandatory participation? Variable time of use – network tariffs or penalty network tariffs? The prosumers´ portfolio of dispatchable appliances such as electric vehicles and heat pumps poses challenges…

Holger Schneidewindt22 June 2020
Infiltrate the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Deprive states of their powers with a petition by the shadowy lobby group NERA. Kill net metering policies in 41 US states, the crucial instrument to boost the rise of small-scale solar prosumers.…

Holger Schneidewindt17 June 2020
The fight for prosumer assets in the reorganization of grid management The joint pilot project "equigy" by the three TSOs TenneT, SwissGrid and Terna is a "declaration of war" to DSOs, other TSOs and new market entrants in the struggle…

Holger Schneidewindt1 June 2020
The 50 US states are an inspiring source of information on residential prosumer regulation for policy makers worldwide. Boosted especially by net-metering schemes, fast evolving prosumer markets increase the pressure to change the traditional rate design to a future-proof system…

Holger Schneidewindt26 November 2019
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